""WALK ON EGGSHELLS"" MEANS: to be very careful not to offend or upset someone IN SENTENCE: Healthy or sick, good days or bad, I felt I was always walking on eggshells around him.
BITE YOUR TONGUE MEANS: Stop yourself from saying something Example sentence1: I have to bite my tongue not to give my sister advise on her new baby Example sentence2: When he said he was the best on the team, I just bit my tongue.
PIE IN THE SKY MEANS: A plan ,hope,idea or suggestion is fanciful but it is unrealistic and very unlikely to actually take place IN SENTENCE: Her dreams of becoming a famous singer are just a pie in the sky
A LEOPARD NEVER CHANGES ITS SPOTS MEANS: a person's character , especially if it is bad , will not change , even if they pretend that it will. EXAMPLE: “Brendan: ‘Do you think he’ll ever stop lying to us?’ William: ‘I doubt it; after all, a leopard never changes its spots .’ ”
SNUG AS A BUG IN A RUG MEANS: in an extremely comfortable position or situation. Example: My daughters are all snug as a bug in a rug watching a movie together.